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ASN: A Dynamic Barrier Based Approach to Confirmation of Deadlocks from Warnings for Large Scale Multithreaded Programs
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ASN: A Dynamic Barrier - Based Approach to Confirmation of Deadlocks from Warnings for Large - Scale Multithreaded Programs

Category : Networking Project

Sub Category : JAVA

Project Code : ITJNW03

Project Abstract

ASN: A Dynamic Barrier-Based Approach

To Confirmation of Deadlocks from Warnings

For Large-Scale Multithreaded Programs




This paper presents ASN, a novel barrier-basedrandomized scheduler that triggers real deadlocks with high probabilities. We exploit the insights that in a confirmation run, the threadsinvolved in a real deadlock should properly acquire one or more sets of locks prior to deadlocking. ASN automatically identifies threeinteresting sets of such positions. It guides the threads participating in a given warning to stay at these position sets in turn. When all thethreads are staying at the last position set, ASN checks whether any deadlock that matches with the given warning has been triggered.We have evaluated ASN on 15 deadlock bugs in a suite of real-world multithreaded programs. The results show that ASN either confirmsmore deadlocks from the benchmark suite or triggers the same deadlocks with significantly higher probabilities than existing schedulers.




Existing deadlock warning detection techniques only reportwarning scenarios, which may or may not be real deadlocks.

Deadlocks aresevere concurrency bugs. They prevent program executionsfrom terminating correctly. Generic techniques can exposedifferent kinds of concurrency bugs but only with a verylow bug triggering ability.


This paperpresents ASN, a new class of active randomized testingscheduler to confirm real deadlocks from warnings.

Thepaper presents a theoretical guarantee of ASN, which showsthat if a given warning is a real deadlock, ASN guarantees tomanifest the warning into a real deadlock under certain conditions.







ASN algorithm


Suppose that a dynamic deadlock warningdetection technique has ran a program and generated apool of deadlock warnings from it


 A typical, existingdeadlock confirmation technique re-runs the sameprogram attempting to reveal real deadlocks hidden in thepool.



In this paper, firstly monitors the confirmation run against theadmission barrier ABr(c) followed by the sufficiency barrierSBr(c) and finally the necessity barrier NBr(c).

Ittakes a program p and a deadlock warning c as inputs.For each thread t in the warning c, it assigns ABr(c) tothe variable CurBr, and initializes two maps Request andLockset as empty sets.


Suspendingall threads at their deadlocking sites is only a necessarycondition to trigger the deadlock.


ASN either confirmsmore deadlocks from the benchmark suite or triggers the same deadlocks with significantly higher probabilities than existing schedulers

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