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Air conditioning system by using vehicles suspension
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Air conditioning system by using vehicles suspension

Category : Automobile

Sub Category : Vehicle

Project Code : ITMA03

Project Abstract

In this project we are collecting air cylinder and store this energy to the compressor tank as non-conventional method by simply driving the vehicle. Non-conventional energy system is very essential at this time to our nation. Compressed air production using vehicle suspensor needs no fuel input power to produce the output of the air. For this project the conversion of the force energy in to air. The control mechanism carries the air cylinder (vehicle suspension), quick exhaust valve, Non-return valve and spring arrangement. Then this compressed air is passed to the heat exchangers. That is used to convert the heat air into cold air. Cold air is passed to the vehicle.

Working principle:


                      When vehicle is run on bumpy road then suspension spring continuously move up and down. We attach piston to the vehicle frame because of linear motion of piston, high pressure air comes out from cylinder. This high pressure air provide to air tank. In air tank high pressurized air is stored and when we want to turn on A.C. system this high pressurized air send to the heat exchanger by using knob. Low temperature coolant pass through the heat exchanger & also high pressurized air pass through it. Here heat exchange occurs and air temperature becomes 150 C to 300 C which is further send at the required place which is to be cooled. Main components and its working 1. Spring: - When vehicle is running on bumpy roads, then shocks and vibrations transmitted to persons, which is very uncomfortable that’s why we use shock absorber to absorb shocks and vibrations to become comfort. Shock absorber is nothing but a spring. 2. Rack and pinion: - It is used for converting linear motion into the rotary motion. Rack and pinion used in electricity generation system. 3. Gear trains: - It is used to increase the gear ratio. When suspension spring comes down pinion rotates one revolution but it is not sufficient speed for electricity generation that’s why we use gear train for increase the speed or RPM to generate electricity. 4. Alternator: - An alternator is an electromechanical device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy in the form of alternating current. 5. Piston cylinder arrangement: - It is use for compress the air to generate pressurized air. 6. Air tank: - Air tank is made of Mild steel. A hole is drilled at the upper side & threading is done to keep the pressure gauge and then fix two ends using welding & make an input & output air connection. All pressurize air come in tank from various cylinders through the pipe connection. Use: - To store pressurize compressed air & supply this pressurize air for various use when required. 7. Heat exchanger: - It is used to exchange the heat between two medium in which heat transfer is takes place from high temp

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