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Assistive technologies for blind people to describe Indoor sensing by raspberry pi
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Assistive technologies for blind people to describe Indoor sensing by raspberry-pi

Category : Raspberry PI

Sub Category : Domestic Application

Project Code : ITRAP09

Project Abstract


This paper introduces a new portable camera-basedmethod for helping blind people to recognize indoor objects.Unlike state-of-the-art techniques, which typically perform therecognition task by limiting it to a single predefined classof objects, we propose here a completely different alternativescheme, defined as coarse description. It aims at expandingthe recognition task to multiple objects and, at the same time,keeping the processing time under control by sacrificing someinformation details. The benefit is to increment the awarenessand the perception of a blind person to his direct contextual environment.The coarse description issue is addressed via two imagemultilabeling strategies which differ in the way image similarityis computed. The first one makes use of the Euclidean distancemeasure, while the second one relies on a semantic similaritymeasure modeled by means of Gaussian process estimation.To achieve fast computation capability, both strategies rely ona compact image representation based on compressive sensing.The proposed methodology was assessed on two indoor datasetsrepresenting different indoor environments. Encouraging resultswere achieved in terms of both accuracy and processing time.










Existing system

Proposed System

Ø  Now a day, most of the blindpeoples are feel bad to sense the object by stick.

Ø  It does not intimate what types of object are in the front of them.


Ø  They need someone help to know the object presenting in front of them.

Ø  There is no automatic system.


Ø  Here we introduce a technology for blind people todetect the indoor object.

Ø  Camera is used to detect the object, ultrasonic sensor detects the obstacle. APR is employed for voice output.


Ø  No needsother help to verify the object.

Ø  The system avoids the injures happening when they dash with any obstacle.


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