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Cloning, Resource Exchange, and RelationAdaptation: An Integrative Self OrganisationMechanism in a Distributed Agent Network
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Cloning, Resource Exchange, and RelationAdaptation: An Integrative Self - OrganisationMechanism in a Distributed Agent Network

Category : Networking Project

Sub Category : JAVA

Project Code : ITJNW12

Project Abstract

Cloning, Resource Exchange, and Relation Adaptation: An Integrative Self-Organization Mechanism in a Distributed Agent Network




The abstract of this project is Self-organization provides a suitable paradigm for developing self-managed complex distributed systems, such as grid computing and sensor networks. Unlike current related studies, which propose only a single principle of self-organization, this mechanism synthesizes the three principles of self-organization: cloning/ spawning, resource exchange and relation adaptation. Based on this mechanism, an agent can autonomously generate new agents when it is overloaded, exchange resources with other agents if necessary, and modify relations with other agents to achieve a better agent network structure. In this way, agents can adapt to dynamic environments. The proposed mechanism is evaluated through a comparison with three other approaches, each of which represents state-of-the-art research in each of the three self-organization principles. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed mechanism outperforms the three approaches in terms of the profit of individual agents and the entire agent network, the load-balancing among agents, and the time consumption to finish a simulation run. In addition, in a dynamic environment, it is nearly impossible to use a static, design time generated system structure for efficient problem solving. Instead, the system needs to be able to self-organize at runtime, which means that the components of the system are responsible for adapting themselves to suit the dynamic environment. Self-organization is usually defined as “the mechanism or the process enabling the system to change its organization without explicit external command during its execution time


              PROPOSED SYSTEM


In this project it focuses on self organization in multi agent systems, we only consider the three basic principles they are cloning/spawning, resource exchange and relation adaptation.

Despite this, to the best of our knowledge, there has been no attempt to combine the three principles together in order to achieve better performance than possible with those self-organization approaches which consider only one of the three principles.


The proposed self-organization mechanism is devised in an agent network, where each agent is directly connected with some other agents, called neighbors, and each agent can communicate only with its neighbors.


Aiming at a general problem, instead of a particular problem, makes the proposed self-organization mechanism potentially applicable in a wide variety of applications.


A policy search algorithm


Hybrid Model, MAL-Allocation and K-Adapt


A policy search algorithm is devised to handle the resource transfer problem.

An action in this algorithm represents transferring a resource to a neighbor.



Hybrid Model may spawn new agents in order to complete tasks efficiently.

Thereby, as time progresses, more and more agents will exist in the network (although some useless cloned or spawned agents will be dissolved). Because an increasing number of agents will be helpful for completing tasks on time, the performance of Hybrid Model can also be improved as time progresses


Task allocation is very difficult without forming the self organization process.

It is very difficult to combine the three principles so to achieve the best performance of the particular result will be failed


Task allocation is easy so to maximize the entire profit will be simple

It is very difficult to combine the three principles to achieve the concept

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