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Defending Against Collaborative Attacks by Malicious Nodes in MANETs: A Cooperative Bait Detection Approach
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Defending Against Collaborative Attacks by Malicious Nodes in MANETs: A Cooperative Bait Detection Approach

Category : Mobile Computing

Sub Category : JAVA

Project Code : ITJMC04

Project Abstract

Defending Against Collaborative Attacks by

Malicious Nodes in MANETs: A Cooperative Bait Detection Approach.




In our proposed system we discussed about to resolve the    issue by designing a dynamic source routing (DSR)-based routing mechanism, which is referred to as the cooperative bait detection scheme (CBDS), that integrates the advantages of both proactive and reactive defense architectures. Our CBDS method implements a reverse tracing technique to help in achieving the stated goal.  Cooperative bait detection scheme (CBDS), which aims at detecting and preventing malicious nodes launching gray hole/collaborative black hole attacks in MANETs.




   Existing the presence and collaboration of

malicious nodes in the network may disrupt the routing process, leading to a malfunctioning of the network operations.



In this regard, the effectiveness of these approaches becomes weak when multiple malicious nodes collude together to initiate a

collaborative attack, which may result to more devastating damages to the network.


In our proposed system we have been proposed the cooperative bait detection scheme (CBDS) which aims at detecting and preventing malicious nodes launching grayhole/collaborative blackhole attacks in MANETs.

Malicious nodes are thereby detected and prevented from participating in the routing operation, using a reverse tracing technique.


Best-effort fault-tolerant routing


Dynamic source routing (DSR)-based routing.


Their BFTR scheme uses end-to-end acknowledgements to monitor the quality of

 the routing path (measured in terms of packet delivery ratio and delay) to be chosen by the destination node. If the behavior of the path deviates from a predefined behavior set for determining “good” routes, the source node uses a new route..


The source node stochastically selects an adjacent node with which to cooperate, in the sense that the address of this node is used

as bait destination address to bait malicious nodes to send a reply RREP message.

Malicious nodes are thereby detected and prevented from participating in the routing operation, using a reverse tracing technique.


One of the drawbacks of BFTR is that malicious nodes may still exist in the new chosen route, and this scheme is prone to repeated route discovery processes, which may lead to significant routing overhead.


Security is less.


It has an advantage of proactive detection in the initial step and the superiority of reactive response at the subsequent steps in order to reduce the resource wastage.



Security is high.

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