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Deployment of an adaptable sensorless commutation technique on BLDC motor drives exploiting zero sequence voltage
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Deployment of an adaptable sensorless commutation technique on BLDC motor drives exploiting zero sequence voltage

Category : Power Electronics


Project Code : ITPW32

Project Abstract

This project introduces an improved signal processing technique of zero sequence voltage (ZSV) with the scope of position sensor less commutation of a BLDC motor drive system. Rotor position information is extracted in the proposed technique from ZSV. This signal includes all time intervals where back electromagnetic force (EMF) zero crossings (ZCS) occur, from which the commutation instants are determined. This technique exploits maximally flat group delay of Bessel low-pass filters for switching Noise suppression. This attribute leads to a speed-independent time displacement of ZSV. The fundamental frequency of ZSV is determined through a median-filtering algorithm, which is required for a dynamic rate limiter that eliminates erroneous ZCS. In sequence, a pulse train is generated by the detected ZCS of the emerged signal and properly shifted to determine the correct commutation instants. The proposed technique ensures a wide operational speed range for the drive system. A theoretical analysis of the drive system is presented, considering a BLDC motor with nonideal back-EMF. Experimental results presented in this paper validate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed position sensor less commutation technique under various operational conditions.

                  PROPOSED SYSTEM                 


Sensor less system

 Requires sensors

Reduces  the low-frequency harmonics in torque ripple

Increases the low-frequency harmonics in torque ripple

 Stress less operation


 sensors are subjected to stresses of operating conditions.

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