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Development of solar Fresnel reflector and its tracking stand using local material
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Development of solar Fresnel reflector and its tracking stand using local material

Category : Fabrication And Manufacturing

Sub Category : Industry & Houses

Project Code : ITMF11

Project Abstract

Solar collectors are the engines that drive all solar energy heating systems. Although solar heating collectors have settled upon a few basic designs, they are still manufactured in an array of configurations. Solar collectors are generally classified by the temperatures that can be produced under normal amounts of solar radiation. The collector’s end-use application can be determined by their temperature classification such as Low-temperature collectors, Medium-temperature collectors and High-temperature concentrators that track the sun and produces the highest temperatures. Reflectors that are axially symmetrical and shaped like a parabola, has the property of bringing parallel rays of light (such as sunlight) to a point focus and so any object that is located at its focus receives highly concentrated sunlight, and therefore becomes very hot. This is the basis for the use of this kind of reflector for high solar energy generation. Energy supply for domestic activities had been a major problem faced by both rural and city dwellers for a long time. It was therefore desirable to design and construct a solar Fresnel reflector and a tracking stand that can be used to generate heat from the sun for cooking, baking and distillation purposes. The reflector and the tracking stand designed and constructed was able to concentrate solar energy within a regional diameter of 10cm and could be used to raise the temperature of any object placed at its focal region. It was discovered that the heat generated is directly proportional to both the perfection of the collector design, its construction, the quality of the reflectors e.g. plain mirror, the area exposed to the sun and the solar intensity of the day.


The Fresnel reflector mounted on its tracking stand was positioned outside in the north-south direction to facilitate an east-west tracking of the sun: The reflector was adjusted by changing the position of the chain at 15 minutes time intervals for altitudinal changes in the sun’s position. The azimuthal changes were compensated for by rotating the stand. A black painted aluminium disc 15cm in diameter and 1cm thickness was placed at the focal point. Thermocouple wires were attached to the Aluminum disc. Digital thermometer was used for the readout. The reflector was able to raise the temperature of the aluminium disc to an average of 300oC.

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