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Fabrication and performance analysis of solar water heater using porous medium and agitator
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Fabrication and performance analysis of solar water heater using porous medium and agitator

Category : Thermal Engineering

Sub Category : Houses & industry

Project Code : ITMT10

Project Abstract

The aim of the present study is to improve the thermal performance of flat plate solar collector using a cheap cost energy absorbing materials. The present work focuses on the process of energy conversion from the collector to the working fluid. Here the system follows passive solar system so the circulation of water will be natural. This experimentally accomplished by using agitator in the riser tube, packing of collector’s surface with porous medium such as pebble stone. The basic purpose of agitator in the riser tube is to improve heat transfer, packing of collector surface with pebbles stones is for longer heat retention and enhanced heat capture respectively .In this project temperature of water is being measured with different combinations such as with agitator, pebbles stone is measured, and also combination of both agitator and pebbles stone is also measured. Here collector is made with aluminium plate so that there will be a good heat transfer process, and here storage tank had capacity of X litres and it also had a valve which it acts as an outlet. As the flat plate has low efficiency because of poor convective heat transfer and consequent thermal loss, in this project both factor is being considered and by placing agitator and pebble stones can increase convective heat transfer and reduce thermal loss and thereby efficiency is being gradually increased.


As the sun shines on the collector, the water inside the collector flow-tubes is heated. As it heats, this water expands slightly and becomes lighter than the cold water in the solar storage tank mounted above the collector. Gravity then pulls heavier, cold water down from the tank and into the collector inlet. The cold water pushes the heated water through the collector outlet and into the top of the tank, thus heating the water in the tank. A thermosiphon system requires neither pump nor controller. Cold water from the city water line flows directly to the tank on the roof. Solar heated water flows from the rooftop tank to the auxiliary tank installed at ground level whenever water is used within the residence.
This system features a thermally operated valve that protects the collector from freezing. It also includes isolation valves, which allow the solar system to be manually drained in case of freezing conditions, or to be bypassed completely.

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