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Image Quality Assessment for Fake Biometric Detection: Application to Iris, Fingerprint, and Face Recognition
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Image Quality Assessment for Fake Biometric Detection: Application to Iris, Fingerprint, and Face Recognition

Category : Image Processing

Sub Category : BIOMETRICS

Project Code : IMP19

Project Abstract

To ensure the actual presence of a real legitimate trait in contrast to a fake self-manufactured synthetic or reconstructed sample is a significant problem in biometric authentication, which requires the development of new and efficient protection measures. In this paper, we present a novel software-based fake detection method that can be used in multiple biometric systems to detect different types of fraudulent access attempts. The objective of the proposed system is to enhance the security of biometric recognition frameworks, by adding liveness assessment in a fast, user-friendly, and non-intrusive manner, through the use of image quality assessment. The proposed approach presents a very low degree of complexity, which makes it suitable for real-time applications, using 25 general image quality features extracted from one image (i.e., the same acquired for authentication purposes) to distinguish between legitimate and impostor samples. The experimental results, obtained on publicly available data sets of fingerprint, iris, and 2D face, show that the proposed method is highly competitive compared with other state-of-the-art approaches and that the analysis of the general image quality of real biometric samples reveals highly valuable information that may be very efficiently used to discriminate them from fake traits.





          A novel fingerprint liveness detection method combining perspiration and morphological features.

          Anti-spoofing approaches such as the use of multi biometrics or challenge-response methods, special attention has been paid by researchers and industry to the liveness detection techniques.



Liveness detection methods are usually classified into two ,

          Hardware-based techniques, which add some specific device to the sensor in order to detect particular properties of a living trait.

          Software-based techniques, in this case the fake trait is detected once the sample has been acquired with a standard.


          Multispectral Imaging  


          Image quality assessment algorithm     


          In order to capture information-rich data about the surface and subsurface features of the skin of the finger, the MSI sensor collects multiple images of the finger under a variety of optical conditions.


          The use of image quality assessment for liveness detection is motivated by the assumption that: “It is expected that a fake image captured in an attack attempt will have different quality than a real sample acquired in the normal operation scenario for which the sensor was designed.



          On fraudulently access the biometric system.

          The usual digital protection mechanisms (e.g., encryption, digital signature or watermarking) are not effective.



          Speed and very low complexity, which makes it very well suited to operate on real scenarios.

          Computation load needed for image processing purpose is much reduced, combined with very simple classifiers.

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