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Location Based Services (Lbs) For Road Network Aware Trajectory Integrate With Raspberry Pi
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Location-Based Services (Lbs) For Road-Network Aware Trajectory Integrate With Raspberry - Pi

Category : Raspberry PI

Sub Category : Smart monitoring

Project Code : ITRAP08

Project Abstract


Independent mobility is a key component in maintaining thephysical and psychosocial health of an individual. Further,for people having blind, independent mobility increasesvocational and educational opportunities, reduces dependenceon caregivers and family members, and promotes feelings ofself-reliance. Psychologically, a decrease in mobility canlead to feelings of emotional loss, anxiety, depression,educed self-esteem, social isolation, stress, and fear of abandonment. Even though the benefits of powered mobility are well documented, the safety issues associated withoperation of powered vehicles often prevent cliniciansandrehabilitation practitioners from prescribing poweredmobility. One obstacle to safely operating a vehicle isimpaired vision. So we are introducing an intelligent vehiclefor blind.

Existing System

Proposed System

Ø  In the existing system the wheel chairs are designed such a way that it can move only inside a region.

Ø  All the controls are manual.



Ø Human awareness is fully needed.

Ø There is no obstacle avoidance possible.

Ø High cost and more time consumption.

Ø  Voice operated wheel chair is proposed.

Ø  Obstacle avoidance by using ultra sonic sensor.

Ø  Traffic signal also analyzed and controls the wheel chair.


Ø  Fully automatic wheel chair is achieved.

Ø  Very fast response with low cost.

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