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Power factor corrected zeta converter based improved power quality switched mode power supply
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Power factor corrected zeta converter based improved power quality switched mode power supply

Category : Power Electronics


Project Code : ITPW05

Project Abstract

Multiple output Switched Mode Power Supplies (SMPSs) for personal computers (PCs) normally depict extremely bad power quality indices at the utility interface such as total harmonic distortion of the input current being more than 80%, power factor being lower than 0.5 and output voltage regulation being very poor. So, they violate the limits of harmonic emissions

set by international power quality standards. In this paper, a  nonisolated power factor corrected (PFC) converter is being proposed to be used at the front end to improve the power quality of an SMPS for a PC. The front end converter is able to reduce the 100 Hz ripple in its output that is being fed to the second stage isolated converter. The performance of the front-end Zeta converter is evaluated in three different operating conditions to select the best operating condition for the proposed SMPS system. The performance of the proposed SMPS is simulated and a laboratory prototype is developed to validate its performance. Test results are found to be in line with the simulated performance under varying input voltages and loading conditions and all the results demonstrate its enhanced performance.


In existing system, PFC rectifiers have been introduced to improve the rectifier power density and reduce noise emissions via soft switching techniques. However, all of these rectifiers operate in DICM and suffers from high switch current stress causing higher conduction losses. PFC rectifiers allow the current to flow through two bridge diodes in addition to the switching component of the converter. This results in higher conduction losses increasing the thermal stresses of the converter. Due to efficiency of the system should reduce.



The LC resonant circuit can perform PF control in the high-frequency ac–dc power converter, which significantly simplifies the control circuit. It can maintain good power factor. Loss also reduced.  These soft-switching techniques have substantially eliminated the switching loss.

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