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Relay assisted Multiple Access with Full duplex Multi Packet Reception
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Relay - assisted Multiple Access with Full - duplex Multi - Packet Reception

Category : Mobile Computing

Sub Category : JAVA

Project Code : ITJMC03

Project Abstract

Relay-assisted Multiple Access with Full-duplex Multi-Packet Reception





Full-duplex cooperative relaying in a random access multiuser network is investigated here. First, we model the self-interference incurred due to full-duplex operation, assuming multi-packet reception capabilities for both the relay and the destination node. Traffic at the source nodes is considered saturated and the cooperative relay, which does not have packets of its own, stores a source packet that it receives successfully in its queue when the transmission to the destination has failed. We obtain analytical expressions for key performance metrics at the relay, such as arrival and service rates, stability conditions, and average queue length, as functions of the transmission probabilities, the self interference coefficient, and the links’ outage probabilities. Furthermore, we study the impact of the relay node and the self-interference coefficient on the per-user and aggregate throughput, and the average delay per packet. We show that perfect self-interference cancelation plays acrucialrole when the SINR threshold is small, since it may result to worse performance in throughput and delay comparing with the half- duplex case.


               PROPOSED SYSTEM


Under the assumption of single-packet reception capability, much effort has been devoted to figuring out the optimal transmission probability of a node.


The performance of random access protocols with single packet reception has been extensively investigated and well understood during the last decade.


The performance of random access protocols such as the slotted-ALOHA is characterized by the transmission probability of a node. System throughput depends on the transmission probability of a node.

We can expect optimal transmission probability that maximizes the system throughput.


Closed Loop Control-Collision Non-Detect (CLC-CND) algorithm




The above model means that the AP can receive up to M packets simultaneously, and concurrent transmissions more than M packets result in collisions and so all the packets are lost


Carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) is a probabilistic media access control (MAC) protocol in which a node verifies the absence of other traffic before transmitting on a shared transmission medium, such as an electrical bus, or a band of the electromagnetic spectrum.


MAC protocols with conventional single-packet reception.

The performance of random access protocols with single packet reception has been extensively investigated and well understood during the last decade.


Fast transformation of data from sender to receiver.

The result reveals that the optimal transmission probability in the slotted-Aloha protocol with Multi Packet Reception.

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