Course Description: This hands on Web programming class provides a thorough introduction to implementing a full-featured Web site on the Internet or corporate Intranet, including implementation of dynamic content using JavaScript and related tools. Starting with thorough coverage of XHTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), the course progresses to the implementation of dynamic client-side content using JavaScript. Hands-on exercises are performed throughout each day to demonstrate key concepts.
Course Prerequisites:Basic personal computer skills and basic Internet knowledge.
Follow-up Courses: PHP Programming, ASP Programming, XML Programming.
Web Site Development with HTML/JavaScript Course Overview
XHTML Fundamentals
Creating and Managing Styles
Understanding <DOCTYPE>
Creating Valid XHTML Documents
Using Block and Text-Level Tags
XHTML Tag Attributes
class, id, style
Creating Effective <title> tags
Constructing Forms
<form> Tags and Attributes
Single-line and Multi-line Text Fields
Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
Dropdown and Selection Lists
Submit and Reset Buttons
Using CSS to Style a Form
Types of Lists
Ordered Lists
Unordered Lists
Definition Lists
Creating List Items Using the <li> Tag
Creating Nested Lists
Using CSS to Style a List
Introduction to Client-Side JavaScript
Embedding JavaScript in an XHTML Document
Evolution of the JavaScript Language
JavaScript Versions and Browser Support
DOM/CSS Scripting
Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM)
Using the getElementById method
Modifying Page Content with the DOM
Manipulating CSS using JavaScript
Programmatic Access to CSS
Implementing Control Constructs
Introduction to Conditional and Looping Constructs
The if else Statements
The do while Statements
The for in Statements
The switch Statement
Fundamental JavaScript Directives
Inline JavaScript
Linking Web Pages to External JavaScript Files
JavaScript Using <script> Tags and Attributes
Deferred scripts
<noscript> Tags
Implementing Arrays
Using Arrays in JavaScript
Predefined JavaScript Object Arrays
Creating Arrays
Reading and Writing to an Array
Common Array Properties and Methods
Common Applications
Form Validation and Testing
Working with Regular Expressions
User Interaction
Local Form Processing
Object Detection
Creating New Windows
Adding Content to a Window
Browser Awareness Using the navigator Object
Interactive Graphics
Overview of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Creating CSS Rules
Defining Type Selectors
Defining Class and ID Selectors
Pseudo-Classes and Elements
Linking to External Style Sheets
Embedded Style Sheets
Adding Tables to a Page
Working with <table>, <tr>, <td>, <th> and <caption> Elements
Table Attributes
Creating Nested Tables
Using CSS to Style a Table
Using Graphics and Links
Displaying Images on a Web Page
Adding hyperlinks to a Page
Creating Email Links
Creating Anchors on a Page
Working with Client-Side Image Maps
Statements and Operators
Variable Declarations
Assignment Operators and Statements
Arithmetic Operators
Logical Operators
Comparison Operators
String Operators
Conditional Operators
Operator Precedence
Implementing Functions
Defining Functions
Invoking Functions
Named and Anonymous Functions
Passing Arguments
Local vs. Global Variables
Using the return Statement
JavaScript Objects
The JavaScript Browser Object Model
JavaScript Object Properties
Object Methods
The new Keyword
The this Keyword
Creating New Object Instances Using Constructor Functions
String, Date and Array Objects
Overview of JavaScript Cookies
Session and Persistent Cookies
Using Cookies on a Web Page
Common Uses of JavaScript Cookies
Event Handling
The W3C and Internet Explorer Event Models
The Event Object
Registering JavaScript Events
Inline Event Handlers
Processing Keyboard and Mouse Events
Student Testimonials
"This was a great workshop. SPIRO was very accommodating with my travel necessities. Very impressive. I am sincerely looking forward to my next Course (PHP) in a couple of weeks." – Malaravan
"Instructor was highly knowledgeable. Handouts were excellent! Course exceeded expectations."
– Mahesh bhoopathi ,Roy Group
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For ECE,EEE,E&I, E&C & Mechanical,Civil, Bio-Medical
#1, C.V.R Complex, Singaravelu St, T.Nagar, Chennai - 17,
(Behind BIG BAZAAR)Tamilnadu,India
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